In the News
2021 Hero of The House Award Presented to Keith Berg
The Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan awards McDonald’s Owner/Operator and Board Member, Keith Berg, with the Hero of the House award.
Ronald McDonald House Welcomes 9 Families of Multiples
Since August, the Ronald McDonald House has welcomed 6 sets of twins, 1 set of triplets, 1 set of twin siblings, and are getting ready to welcome quadruplets at the end of September!
Ronald McDonald House Renovates 17 Rooms to Better Serve Families with Critically Ill Children
The Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan (RMHWM) is thrilled to share with you our 17-room renovation project!
Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan appoints Josh Laramy as Board Treasurer
The Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan (RMHWM) is pleased to announce Josh Laramy has joined the Board of Directors as Board Treasurer.
Ronald McDonald House $2.5M expansion gives families ‘more rooms, more love’ for care – MLIVE
GHACF Youth Advisory Council Awards Largest Amount of Grants in History
Michigan food pantries awarded grants, refrigerators – WOOD
Ronald McDonald House hosting food drive for pantry at Grand Rapids location – WZZM 13
Ronald McDonald House fundraiser featuring food, music, beer – WZZM 13
Ronald McDonald House expanding to serve more families – FOX 17
Ronald McDonald House West Michigan plans $2M expansion to meet growing needs – CRAIN’S
An Early Arrival – The Lang Family
The dilemma faced by parents Cassandra Lang and Thomas Augustine is unfortunately not an uncommon one; how to stay close to their child experiencing medical or mental health challenges.
One Head on Collision, Two Families, 54+ Nights – Johnson/Foster Families
It was a late October day in Sturgis, MI (St. Joseph County), when fifteen-year old Dayton Johnson and his best friend, thirteen-year old Asher Foster, took out their dirt bikes for some outdoor fun. That fun turned tragic when the boys had a severe head-on collision, causing traumatic brain injuries, multiple facial fractures and broken bones for both boys.
Fireworks – The Hilliard Elmer Family
The fireworks started earlier than expected on July 4, 2018 for Kendra and Tom Elmer. Kendra started having contractions and her water broke at just 23 weeks into her pregnancy.