Our Relationship with McDonald’s
RMHC and McDonald’s
From the moment the first Ronald McDonald House opened in Philadelphia, PA in 1974, the entire McDonald’s system (owner/operators, suppliers, employees and customers) has helped support families with sick children providing stability and vital resources.
McDonald’s support varies depending on local relationship. Here in West Michigan, we are grateful for our Owner/Operators and their continued support of RMHC West Michigan. Beyond personal gifts and store based promotions, these individuals engage their Local and National McDonald’s suppliers to also support families at RMHCWM. You can support RMHC families while enjoying McDonald’s by donating via Round-up, coin boxes, or participating in their rotating promotions such as Sleeves for Support.
RMHCWM is a separate, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation from Ronald McDonald House Charities Global and McDonald’s. RMHCWM raises 100% of its annual operating expenses, and 100% of the money raised stays local to support families right here at RMHCWM.

2023 McDonald’s Impact

Customer Donations

Shamrock Shakes + Happy Meal Promotions
You Can Support RMHC Families at Your LOCAL MCDONALD’s.
Every time you visit a local McDonald’s restaurant, you can help support families with ill and injured children by asking to Round-Up for RMHC when you place your order on the kiosk or with a crew member at the counter or drive-thru.