Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastFINANCIAL COMMITMENTWe deeply value the generous gift of your time, talents, and insights that you bring to our mission. We recognize that your contributions already support us in extraordinary ways. While there is no financial commitment required to serve on our board, we do encourage board members to consider making a gift of any size. Achieving 100% participation demonstrates a unified commitment to our mission, which strengthens our position when applying for grants and engaging with donors.Choose a giving level that resonates with the impact you wish to make: *$500 (covers meals for 10 families)$1,000 (provides one week of lodging)$2,500 (supports transportation for families)OtherI would like to make a gift of the amount below:Billing preference:MonthlyQuarterlyAnnuallyMy company will match this giftYesCompany name that will match this gift:Please contact me to discuss a high-impact gift.YesI/we have included RMHCWM in our Legacy Planning.YesI/we would like information about including RMHCWM in our Legacy Planning.YesFUNDRAISING SUPPORTEngage in a way that aligns with your passion for our mission:Golf Outing – August 6, 2025Purchase a foursomeI will sponsor the eventMy company will sponsor the event“The Event” – May 1, 2025Attend ($200/ticket)I will sponsor the eventMy company will sponsor the eventOther Ways to Support:Host a third-party event (e.g., family gathering fundraiser)Organize a collection drive (items needed for families)ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACHI will engage by: *Bringing new supporters to eventsRecruiting sponsors/business contactsVolunteering to prepare a meal with friends or familyServing on an RMHCWM Committee: Finance, Risk, HR, Governance)REFLECT ON YOUR IMPACT:What impact do you hope to make this year?EVENT PARTICIPATIONI commit to attending at least one RMHCWM event to engage with our community: *“The Event” – May 1, 2025Golf Outing – August 6, 2025EGR Harvest Festival – Date TBDAda Chili and Beer Festival – Dec 6, 2025QUARTERLY COMMITMENT & CHECK-INSOutline Quarterly Goals to Help Track Your Progress:Q1 GoalsQ2 Goals community: amount information Q3 GoalsQ4 GoalsThank you for committing to a year of impact and engagement. We’re grateful for your dedication to RMHCWM’s mission. Together, we can create a place of hope and support for families in their time of need.Submit